Saturday, August 30, 2008

Story of a "RAZFAREN" name that I always used

Razfaren? Anyone ever heard that name? I hope not, cause that name is already "really me" n I believe no one ever use that name except me, so if your search Google with "razfaren" you will find all the site I ever visit or the site that mine..Hehe

So, for all of you, please don't take my name..Coz it's really important for me, I ever seen in one site there's a bad comment using razfaren nickname, but that's not me! I never do that! What I want to tell you basicly is, please don't use name razfaren anywhere, coz that name are really "belongs to me" compared to my real name that you will know if you search Google with "razfaren"..Hehe

Why razfaren? How the story until I found that name? I'm forgot when exactly, but looks like when I'm junior high school I play Suikoden, that moment I need to give name to the castle and i confused what name should I use. Then I think a colossal name like, so I decide razfaren. Come from words Race I change to Raz, and Maren (my real name) to Faren, if not, it will be a bad name "razmaren" Hoho..So the point is razfaren are race of myself. As the progress, I've changed razfaren to razclick for Pay-Per-Click program n Razfaren Dezhie for my alias name. Dezhie are coming from my girlfriend name Desy. Huf..Looks like I must end the story of why me=razfaren, coz many of my friends ask me about that. Thanks for reading this post!

Artikel ini dalam Bahasa Indonesia:
Razfaren? Ada yang pernah denger ga nama gitu? Gw harap sih ga, soalnya tuh nama emang udah "gw banget" n gw yakin belom ada orang yang make nama tu kecuali gw, makanya kalo lw search di Google "razfaren" pasti bakal muncul semua situs yang pernah gw kunjungin ataupun punya gw..Hehe..

Jadi buat lw semua, jangan ada yang ngambil nama gw ya..Soalnya penting banget buat gw, gw pernah liat di salah satu situs ada yang komentar ga enak pake nama razfaren, padahal bukan gw..Huh..Ada aja sih! Pokoknya, buat lw semua yang udah baca atau belom blog ini, tolong jangan pake nama razfaren di manapun, karena tuh nama dah "belongs to me" dibanding nama asli gw yang pasti lw bisa tau setelah ngelakuin search "razfaren" di Google. Hehe..

Kenapa razfaren? Gimana sejarahnya gw nemuin tuh nama? Gw lupa sih tepatnya, tapi kayanya waktu gw SMP, gw maen Suikoden berapa lupa, terus saat itu diminta namain istana, gw bingung pake nama apa. Teruz gw mikirin nama yang agak kolosal gitu, akhirna gw putusin razfaren. Berasal dari kata Ras gw ubah ke Raz, terus kalo Maren (nama asli gw) gw ubah aja jadi Faren, kan ga enak kalo jadinya "razmaren" Hoho..Jadi intinya razfaren tuh yah ras dari diri gw sendiri. Dalam perkembangannya, razfaren gw ubah jadi razclick untuk program Pay-Per-Click n Razfaren Dezhie untuk ngisi nama samaran gw. Dezhie sendiri berasal dari nama cewe gw Desy. Huf..Sekian deh cerita buat yang pengen tau kenapa gw=razfaren, soalnya banyak temen gw yang nanyain teruz. Thanks buat yang udah baca!

All article in this blog can be copied to your site/blog, but you put my links as your post source,  Thanks! If you want to exchange link, link me and put a comment, I'll link back you as soon as possible!

Make Firefox faster and FASTER! 100% Guarantee!

Who are Firefox fans? I think this is the fastest browser and comfortable to use, it also has many useful add-on. If you not yet use Firefox, just click picture above to download. Here it's the trick to make Fire Fox faster!

1. Write about:config in address bar
2. Search this row

network.http.pipelining => double click then change value to "true"
network.http.proxy.pipelining => double click then change value to "true"
network.http.pipelining.maxrequests => then change value to "100"
network.http.max-connections => double click then change value to "64"
network.http.max-connections-per-server => double click then change value to "20"
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy => double click then change value to "10"
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server => double click then change value to "4"
network.dns.disableIPv6 => double click then change value to "true"

3. Right click anywhere, then choose New > Integer
Give name nglayout.initialpaint.delay n fill the value with "0" (zero)
Right click anywhere, then choose New > Boolean
Give name config.trim_on_minimize n fill the value with "true"

4. Restart browser n fell the difference!
Till here for this moment..This post will be always update if I found other trick
Just for info, use "Fasterfox" add-on to make Firefox faster.

Artikel ini dalam Bahasa Indonesia:
Siapa yang fans Firefox? Browser ini kalo menurut gw sih paling cepet n "PW" buat dipake, add-onnya juga banyak n useful banget. Kalo belum pake Firefox, tinggal klik aja gambar di atas buat download. Gini cara buat ngubah si Rubah Api jadi makin kuenceng!

1. Di address bar ketik about:config
2. Cari baris-baris berikut:

network.http.pipelining => double click lalu ubah value jadi "true"
network.http.proxy.pipelining => double click lalu ubah value jadi "true"
network.http.pipelining.maxrequests => double click value jadi "100"
network.http.max-connections => double click lalu ubah value jadi "64"
network.http.max-connections-per-server => double click lalu ubah value jadi "20"
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy => double click lalu ubah value jadi "10"
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server => double click lalu ubah value jadi "4"
network.dns.disableIPv6 => double click lalu ubah jadi "true"

3. Klik kanan sembarang, lalu pilih New > Integer
Beri nama nglayout.initialpaint.delay dan isi value dengan "0" (nol)
Klik kanan sembarang, lalu pilih New > Boolean
Beri nama
config.trim_on_minimize dan isi value dengan "true"

4. Restart browser dan rasakan perubahannya!
Segini dulu yah..Posting ini bakal terus diupdate kalo nemuin trik baru lagi
Sekedarr tambahan, gunakan juga add-on "Fasterfox" untuk membuat Firefox lebih cepat lagi.

All article in this blog can be copied to your site/blog, but you put my links as your post source,  Thanks! If you want to exchange link, link me and put a comment, I'll link back you as soon as possible!

Terms to copy my article to your blog/website

For all who visiting my blog, you can copy my article to your website/blog. But you MUST write the source of article, i.e Razfaren Private Blog, for you who copying but not given source, I will found you as soon as possible..Hehe

So, I need you to admit my creation, with way like I mention above. Many thanks for you who have do it, for whose don't, maybe you should study blogging ethyc about how to give appreciate to someone.

Artikel ini dalam Bahasa Indonesia:

Buat semua pengunjung yang udah datang ke blog ini boleh ko copy paste isi dari blog ini ke blog/website lw. Tapi dengan syarat lw HARUS NYERTAIN sumber dari artikel yang lw copy paste, yaitu blog gw ini, Razfaren Private Blog, buat yang copy paste tapi ga nyertain, ntar ketauan loh..Hehe

Jadi gw minta lw hargain karya gw, dengan cara kaya di atas tuh..Gw berterima kasih banget kalo lw udah ngelakuin, buat yang belom, tolong belajarlah etika dunia blogging dalam menghargai karya orang lain.

All article in this blog can be copied to your site/blog, but you put my links as your post source,  Thanks! If you want to exchange link, link me and put a comment, I'll link back you as soon as possible!

Trick to search MP3 without ever get "LOST"

If you like searching for MP3 over the net n always fed up coz can't find the song but you must be go from some website to another n then to the xxx sites =))

You can use this way, first, click the picture above, there's a search box, fill with format "artist song title". Ex: "the killers mr brightside" But don't use quotation mark like that. After result shown, click the song title with mp3 or wma format. Then you choose download now, there's a page that show download link after 10 second. Let's try!

Artikel ini dalam Bahasa Indonesia:
Bagi yang suka cari lagu MP3 di internet n sering kesel karena lagunya aja ga ketemu tapi malah diputer-puter ke website ga jelas, n akhirnya malah ke yang "gitu-gitu"
Hahaha..Kasian banget deh lw..! Mendingan ikutin salah satu trik gw ini, gampang kok, mau di warnet juga bisa, bahkan mungkin anak SD kelas 1 juga bisa..Hehe..LEBAY banget dah..

Nah..Begini caranya, pertama lw klik gambar di atas tuh, teruz kan muncul search for, di situ lw tulis format "artis judul lagu" misalnya lw mau cari Ran yang Hanya Untukmu, lw tinggal tulis "ran hanya untukmu" gw jamin 1000% ketemu kok! Apalagi lagu populer, asal jangan lagu karangan lw sendiri aja ya! Hehe..Oh ya, semuanya ga pake tanda kutip ya, teruz kalo udah ketemu kan banyak tuh hasilnya, nah lw klik judul lagu yang belakangnya format mp3. Abiz itu lw pilih Download Now, teruz ntar ada halaman lagi yang bakal nampilin download link lw setelah kurang lebih 10 detik. Selamat mencoba!

All article in this blog can be copied to your site/blog, but you put my links as your post source,  Thanks! If you want to exchange link, link me and put a comment, I'll link back you as soon as possible!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Want to try forex? Easy big PROFIT, but be careful for big LOSS too!

Forex is one of the business can be done over the web. Many forex broker, but I think the most trustable are Marketiva. Why? Coz they has fast processing for withdraw or deposit, n the support always online at the work day, what do you want to ask, will be answered fastly. For you who new come member, will be given $5 to start trading.

In fact, this is a really big profit business, I can have up to $30 a day, but when I'm get loss, I've loss up to $110! Really mad. Properly I'm still studying the forex world. So I can really analyze the chart movement that is very annoying.

If you want to join, click the picture above the choose Open Account. You must verificate your account to withdraw, send your National ID to Marketiva by upload page that is provide, then you ask support when to be verificated, often it takes time 5-10 minutes. Very easy! For your info, Marketiva closed Friday 9PM (GMT) and opened again Sunday 9PM (GMT), coz the trading time followong the work day in England. If you have always take loss, don't be cast down, coz I'm still having loss too :) n still want to study more than before. I will tell you more forex strategy in next post.

Artikel ini dalam Bahasa Indonesia:
Forex adalah salah satu bisnis yang bisa dilakuin lewat internet. Banyak broker forex, namun menurut gw yang paling terpercaya Marketiva. Kenapa? Soalnya prosesnya cepet, mau withdraw, deposit, udah gitu supportnya juga online teruz sepanjang hari kerja, apa yang mau ditanyain juga pasti langsung dijawab dengan cepet banget ko. Untuk yang baru join, bakalan dibantu modal $5 dari Marketiva.

Sebenernya ini bisnis yang nguntungin banget, gw aja bisa dapet up to $30 per hari, tapi sekalinya rugi, gw ampe rugi $110! Gila banget ga tuh..Makanya sebenernya gw sendiri juga masih tahap belajar di dunia forex nih..Yah..Supaya bener-bener bisa menganalisa pergerakan chart yang kadang nggemesin banget.

Buat yang mau daftar tinggal klik aja gambar di atas terus pilih Open Account. Supaya accountnya terverifikasi n bisa withdraw, lw harus ngirim scan KTP ke Marketiva lewat halaman upload yang disediakan, teruz lw tanya support dah kapan diverifikasi, pasti 5-10 menit juga beres. Gampang kan! Oh iya, info tambahan, Marketiva tutup jam 4 pagi setiap Sabtu, n buka lagi jam 4 pagi setiap Senin, karena emang waktu bukanya ngikutin hari kerja di Inggris. Bagi yang baru pertama coba n rugi teruz, jangan putus asa, coz gw sendiri juga masih tahap yang bisa dibilang rugi nih, n gw masih pengen belajar teruz. Lebih lengkap n strategi tentang forex, bakalan gw bahas lebih lanjut deh nanti.

All article in this blog can be copied to your site/blog, but you put my links as your post source,  Thanks! If you want to exchange link, link me and put a comment, I'll link back you as soon as possible!

August 29, 2008, my very unfortunate day! Shit..!

Mad! This is the really bad day for me! The day is better, my forex got in range $20..BUT..At 1 PM to 11 PM, i've lost until about $110! This really make me mad! I'm really shock, the girl who must be supporting me was scolding me with no reason too! I swear this is the most resentful day! Hope tomorrow better :)

Artikel ini dalam Bahasa Indonesia:

Gila! Sumpah ya..hari ini tuh hari paling sial banget buat gw! Pas siang sih lumayan, forex gw dapet sekitar $20-an..TAPI..Jam 1 ke atas ampe pada akhirnya jam 11 malem, gw rugi ampe $110! Gila sumpah..Gw shock banget, mana cewek yang harusnya nyemangatin gw malah marah-marah ga jelas! SUMPAH hari ini gw kesel banget! Hope tomorrow better :)

All article in this blog can be copied to your site/blog, but you put my links as your post source,  Thanks! If you want to exchange link, link me and put a comment, I'll link back you as soon as possible!

AlertPay, MUST be using this if you want to join Pay-Per-Click

Have you ever hear or seen AlertPay? Yes..This payment processor is a success newcomer coz many PPC program use it. AlertPay for some people, is a solution for PayPal with more easy terms n conditions. To register just click the picture above and choose sign up. Registration is free, just fill the form.

Compared to PayPal that must be verificated with credit card, AlertPay is really easy, you can make your account verified just by sending your National ID and Bank Statement at the upload identity menu. Processing time will be 1-3 workday. AlertPay really reccomended for you who wants to join Pay-Per-Click program. Until here a little about AlertPay, continue within the next other post.

Artikel ini dalam Bahasa Indonesia:
Pernah denger atau liat AlertPay? Yupz..Payment processor ini emang baru-baru ini aja namanya melonjak karena banyak program PPC yang menggunakannya. AlertPay sendiri dinilai merupakan solusi dari PayPal yang akhir-akhir ini konon giat membanned n freeze anggotanya. AlertPay sendiri jauh lebih mudah dibandingkan PayPal. Untuk mendaftar, cukup klik gambar di atas dan pilih sign up. Pendaftaran gratis dan hanya tinggal mengisi formulir saja.

Dibanding PayPal yang harus memverifikasi dengan kartu kredit, AlertPay dapat dikatakan mudah, karena untuk membuat account kita verified hanya tinggal mengirimkan scan KTP dan buku tabungan di menu upload identity. Proses itu membutuhkan waktu 1-3 hari kerja. AlertPay sangat danjurin buat lw yang mau ikut program Pay-Per-Click. Sekian sekilas tentang AlertPay, lanjutannya akan dibahas di post berikutnya.

All article in this blog can be copied to your site/blog, but you put my links as your post source,  Thanks! If you want to exchange link, link me and put a comment, I'll link back you as soon as possible!

Liberty Reseve, must have this if u want to do online business! It's FREE

Wants to start online business? You must have this account first! This is like a bank or currencies, but it's online, or be said to be E-Currencies. To make account doesn't need a difficult condition. Just click picture upside this post then choose Create Account n fill some form. Liberty Reserve security is pretty good, with password, welcome message, pin, and master key. About legallity n money value are can be compared to other E-Currencies. Maybe can be said, Liberty Reserve are one of the best E-currencies right now.

What business can be done with Liberty Reserve? First, you can forex trading with Marketiva. Everyone can do it, and can got a big profit, although the loss risk is big too. I'll tell more about this in the next post. Second, we can do Pay-Per-Click business and use Liberty Reserve to accept payment, I'll tell more about this in next post too. Third, we can use Liberty Reserve for online shopping, because many merchant has accepted Liberty Reserve.

That's all some thing you need to know about Liberty Reserve, deep explanation about this will be in the next other post.

Artikel ini dalam Bahasa Indonesia:
Mau bisnis online? Harus punya account ini dulu..! Jadi ini tuh kaya bank atau mata uang gitu, tapi di internet, atau biasa disebut E-Currencies. Untuk membuatnya tidak dibutuhkan syarat-syarat rumit. Cukup klik gambar di atas lalu pilih Create Account dan isi beberapa formulir. Segi keamanannya sendiri sangatlah ketat karena Liberty Reserve ini memiliki 4 lapisan keamanan, yaitu password, welcome message, pin, dan master key. Masalah legalitas n nilai uangnya juga sangatlah dapat diperhitungkan dengan E-Currencies lain. Malah dapat disebut juga Liberty Reserve merupakan salah satu E-Currencies terbaik saat ini.

Bisnis apa saja yang dapat dilakukan dengan Liberty Reserve? Pertama, kita dapat melakukan trading forex dengan Marketiva. Trading forex dapat dilakukan oleh siapa saja, dan dapat menghasilkan keuntungan yang besar, walau tidak sedikit juga kerugian yang dapat terjadi. Akan gw jelasin di post berikutnya. Kedua, kita dapat melakukan bisnis Pay-Per-Click dan menggunakan Liberty Reserve sebagai sarana penerima pembayaran, juga akan gw jelasin di post berikutnya. Ketiga, kita dapat menggunakan Liberty Reseerve untuk melakukan pembayaran berbagai barang yang dijual di internet, sudah banyak merchant yang menerima pembayaran dengan Liberty Reserve.

Sekian dulu sekilas tentang Liberty Reserve yang gw bahas kali ini. Pembahasan lebih lanjut di post-post berikutnya.

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My first (private) blog!

Fuuh..Finally my blog was finished, after a long research with trial and error. Until this day Friday, August 29, 2008, my blog is OFFICIALLY OPEN

Hehe..Looks like  formal ceremony for monument or museum, is it? Hope my blog will still a blog that "alive" and not abandoned, be SEO friendly too...Did you know what I mean..?

So, in this blog I'll write all about experience that I've got in my life, there will be computer trick, tips, n about "Making Money" too.

Finally, I just want to say, happy surfing this unperfect blog! Thanks

Artikel ini dalam Bahasa Indonesia:
Whew..Akhirnya blog pribadi gw jadi juga, setelah melalui riset yang panjang dan masa coba-coba. Sampe di hari Jumat 29 Agustus 2008 ini, blog gw sekarang RESMI GW BUKA..

Hoho..Udah kaya peresmian monumen apa museum aja yak..Mudah-mudahan blog gw ini akan tetap jadi blog yang "hidup" n ga terabaikan, juga diapndang para Search Engine..Ngerti ga..

Jadi dalam blog ini gw bakal nulisin semua pengalaman yang gw rasain selama hidup gw, juga bakal ada trik, tips komputer, atau juga tentang "Making Money"..You know that I'm Businessman Hehe..

Yasuda deh..Akhir kata..Selamat menelusuri blog yang masih jauh dari kesempurnaan ini! Thanks

All article in this blog can be copied to your site/blog, but you put my links as your post source,  Thanks! If you want to exchange link, link me and put a comment, I'll link back you as soon as possible!