Forex is one of the business can be done over the web. Many forex broker, but I think the most trustable are Marketiva. Why? Coz they has fast processing for withdraw or deposit, n the support always online at the work day, what do you want to ask, will be answered fastly. For you who new come member, will be given $5 to start trading.
In fact, this is a really big profit business, I can have up to $30 a day, but when I'm get loss, I've loss up to $110! Really mad. Properly I'm still studying the forex world. So I can really analyze the chart movement that is very annoying.
If you want to join, click the picture above the choose Open Account. You must verificate your account to withdraw, send your National ID to Marketiva by upload page that is provide, then you ask support when to be verificated, often it takes time 5-10 minutes. Very easy! For your info, Marketiva closed Friday 9PM (GMT) and opened again Sunday 9PM (GMT), coz the trading time followong the work day in England. If you have always take loss, don't be cast down, coz I'm still having loss too :) n still want to study more than before. I will tell you more forex strategy in next post.
Artikel ini dalam Bahasa Indonesia:
Forex adalah salah satu bisnis yang bisa dilakuin lewat internet. Banyak broker forex, namun menurut gw yang paling terpercaya Marketiva. Kenapa? Soalnya prosesnya cepet, mau withdraw, deposit, udah gitu supportnya juga online teruz sepanjang hari kerja, apa yang mau ditanyain juga pasti langsung dijawab dengan cepet banget ko. Untuk yang baru join, bakalan dibantu modal $5 dari Marketiva.
Sebenernya ini bisnis yang nguntungin banget, gw aja bisa dapet up to $30 per hari, tapi sekalinya rugi, gw ampe rugi $110! Gila banget ga tuh..Makanya sebenernya gw sendiri juga masih tahap belajar di dunia forex nih..Yah..Supaya bener-bener bisa menganalisa pergerakan chart yang kadang nggemesin banget.
Buat yang mau daftar tinggal klik aja gambar di atas terus pilih Open Account. Supaya accountnya terverifikasi n bisa withdraw, lw harus ngirim scan KTP ke Marketiva lewat halaman upload yang disediakan, teruz lw tanya support dah kapan diverifikasi, pasti 5-10 menit juga beres. Gampang kan! Oh iya, info tambahan, Marketiva tutup jam 4 pagi setiap Sabtu, n buka lagi jam 4 pagi setiap Senin, karena emang waktu bukanya ngikutin hari kerja di Inggris. Bagi yang baru pertama coba n rugi teruz, jangan putus asa, coz gw sendiri juga masih tahap yang bisa dibilang rugi nih, n gw masih pengen belajar teruz. Lebih lengkap n strategi tentang forex, bakalan gw bahas lebih lanjut deh nanti.
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