Saturday, August 30, 2008

Trick to search MP3 without ever get "LOST"

If you like searching for MP3 over the net n always fed up coz can't find the song but you must be go from some website to another n then to the xxx sites =))

You can use this way, first, click the picture above, there's a search box, fill with format "artist song title". Ex: "the killers mr brightside" But don't use quotation mark like that. After result shown, click the song title with mp3 or wma format. Then you choose download now, there's a page that show download link after 10 second. Let's try!

Artikel ini dalam Bahasa Indonesia:
Bagi yang suka cari lagu MP3 di internet n sering kesel karena lagunya aja ga ketemu tapi malah diputer-puter ke website ga jelas, n akhirnya malah ke yang "gitu-gitu"
Hahaha..Kasian banget deh lw..! Mendingan ikutin salah satu trik gw ini, gampang kok, mau di warnet juga bisa, bahkan mungkin anak SD kelas 1 juga bisa..Hehe..LEBAY banget dah..

Nah..Begini caranya, pertama lw klik gambar di atas tuh, teruz kan muncul search for, di situ lw tulis format "artis judul lagu" misalnya lw mau cari Ran yang Hanya Untukmu, lw tinggal tulis "ran hanya untukmu" gw jamin 1000% ketemu kok! Apalagi lagu populer, asal jangan lagu karangan lw sendiri aja ya! Hehe..Oh ya, semuanya ga pake tanda kutip ya, teruz kalo udah ketemu kan banyak tuh hasilnya, nah lw klik judul lagu yang belakangnya format mp3. Abiz itu lw pilih Download Now, teruz ntar ada halaman lagi yang bakal nampilin download link lw setelah kurang lebih 10 detik. Selamat mencoba!

All article in this blog can be copied to your site/blog, but you put my links as your post source,  Thanks! If you want to exchange link, link me and put a comment, I'll link back you as soon as possible!

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1 Response to "Trick to search MP3 without ever get "LOST""

  1. haha lo kayanya ngehina gw yaa..
    gw kan sering nyasar hahahha
    okok thanks yaa ats infonya!!



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